We’ve been nominated for an award at the LWVUS convention for our redistricting work. Voting is June 1st through June 17th!

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"Virginia is one of the few states that was able to realize redistricting success. In Virginia, a constitutional amendment has to pass twice with an election in between before going on the ballot. The legislation passed the first year because neither party knew who would be in the majority. After the majority was established, we had to battle that party to bring the legislation to the committee and then to the floor for a vote. Years of work (with a partner org) meant that voters supported the measure but until it passed on the ballot, we were battling the majority party up to and including on election day. The legislation formed a bipartisan commission comprised of half legislators and half citizens. This is the first time citizens were able to actively participate in the process--via serving on the commission, via written or oral testimony, and via submission of maps. We held many trainings to teach the public about mapping tools and giving input. We wrote LTE's. A dedicated group of members blogged about each meeting; both commissioners and legislators (as well as regular voters) depended upon our blog for an overview and to keep up to date. The resulting maps did not consider incumbent addresses but did consider communities of interest. The new districts also provide many opportunities for first time candidates and minority candidates."
If you think that we deserve this national recognition for our democracy work, please vote before June 17.

Everyone can vote!  You don't have to be a Convention delegate or even a League member.  

So ...  please vote!  and please tell all your members, friends, relatives to vote for VA!

Vote here!