Report from the LWV VA Housing Study

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“The LWV-VA Affordable Housing Issues Group recently completed a report on housing segregation and racial disparities in housing entitled ‘A Brief Story of Housing Segregation in the US and Virginia: History and Impact’ that can be found on the LWV-VA website at  The report details past housing discriminatory policies, laws and practices by local, state and the federal government that have resulted in current racial disparities in housing, such as housing cost burdens and homeownership rates, which exist in all parts of Virginia.  Sections of the report were highlighted in the Virginia Voter during the past several months. For racial data in your area, click on the desired link below, then click on locality and select the desired locality.

Population by race and ethnicity:

Homeownership rate by race and ethnicity:

Medium household income by race and ethnicity:

Poverty by race and ethnicity:

Home loans by race and ethnicity:

Home loan denial rates by race and ethnicity:

Housing cost burden by race and ethnicity: