LWV-RMA leads the way on study issues

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Three studies were before the League of Women Voters of Virginia Convention on May 19th, and the Richmond Metro League participated in sponsoring all three.  Sexual harassment, the security of elections in the electronic age, and housing are timely and relevant for the League and its members.


Two-years-ago, LWV-RMA member Alison Beale proposed a study to enhance the League's position on women's rights to include a statement specifically addressing sexual harassment.  After much hard work and review, a proposed position was drafted that defined sexual harassment.  At the Convention, the debate continued, and new language was approved that includes in LWV-VA's women's rights positions a statement opposing sexual harassment.


Richmond is one of four Virginia Leagues that recommended updating LWV-VA'S elections position to include issues around election security.  Jane Newell was the original sponsor of this idea in Richmond.  As chair of LWV-RMA'S Election Modernization Committee, she has already led her team in studying elections and will continue this study, alongside leagues statewide.  In very brief terms, the recommendation was approved and will include the study of election results, an amendment to the State position to strengthen support for election security, review of the language supporting electronic voting, a statement opposing photo ID requirements, exploring rank choice voting, and voter suppression.


Also approved was an affordable housing study, as proposed by LWV-RMA member Alice Tousignant.  Alice, who has extensive expertise in the housing field, will lead the statewide study, focusing on affordable housing for people at very low income and rental housing.  Many important societal issues are touched by housing in the Richmond Metro Area.


We will post the text of the Housing Study, as well as the Elections Study in the Members section of the website.


The Richmond League will play a leadership role in both the election and the affordable housing studies, which work will be ongoing for the next 1 to 2 years.


These studies reveal the grassroots efforts of our Richmond Metro Area LWV group -- our members are out in their communities working on issues that affect people in our local areas.  That these proposals are at different stages of review reflects the LWV process for careful study and detailed analysis.  This is not an organization that rushes out to jump on every bandwagon.


Leaguers can be assured that issues in the official positions of the LWV-VA or the LWV-US have been well-considered.  Individual league members can, of course, advocate for these or other issues with their representatives.  In addition, we can advocate as a local league under the umbrella of LWV-VA positions.  Voices of groups of women and actions of women's organizations can be very powerful, as has been proven over the years, and right up to the present day.


Find the LWV-Virginia positions at https://lwv-va.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/lwv-va-positions-2018-Full-ABradstreet.pdf


Find the LWV-US positions at https://www.lwv.org/impact-issues



Lynn McMartin

May 20, 2019