LWV Richmond Metro joins the Unity Walk

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Please join us in the Unity Walk on Saturday, August 27th at 5:30pm.  This multi-organizational walk (formerly known as Coming to the Table RVA) will leave from the Virginia Museum of History and Culture (VMHC) and walk to Marcus-Davis Peters Circle, about a 0.9 mile trek.  This event commemorates the 59th anniversary of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963.  We will gather at the museum first to reflect on why we walk and set our intentions for the experience, and then walk and sing songs of freedom and inspiration for the journey as we go!  Once at the median near Marcus-David Peters Circle (former site of the Robert E. Lee monument) we will pause for a community building experience before returning to the museum where we'll be inspired by hearing MLK's speech shared, as well as hearing from local organizations, faith communities and neighborhood associations focused on social justice, unity and creating a thriving community for all!


Wear your LWV t-shirts and buttons and comfortable shoes!  We will have a LWV table set up at the VMHC so non-walkers are welcome to help staff the table and distribute voting fact sheets and bookmarks and membership information.  All should meet at our table to get League signs and buttons.


Email Jane Newell if you plan on joining the League so we can keep our eyes peeled for you!

See you there!